We invite submissions of papers for poster presentations (approx. 200 papers).
Speakers of Review Talk and Symposium are required to submit their abstracts by this submission system.
Please click the abstract submission button at the bottom of this page to submit abstract.
Abstract Submission
Advance registration is required prior to submitting abstract.
You will receive a registration number upon completing advance registration. You will need it to start abstract submission, print out the page or save it on your computer to be sure to keep them safe.
Language: English
Length of a title should be 200 chracters or less.
Length of an abstract body should be 2,000 chracters or less.
Submission Period
June 9, 12:00(JST) - July 21, 17:00(JST) August 2, 17:00(JST), 2021 *closed
Appointed Lectures (Review Talk、Symposium)
Review Talk and Symposium are presented by appointed speakers.
Speakers of regular presentation cannot select “Review Talk” and “Symposium”.
Regular Presentations (Poster)
Select your presentation category from the list below.
- Viral Infections
- Parasitic Infections
- Bacterial Infections
- Host Defense and Immunity
- In Silico Analysis of Biomolecule
<Selection for Oral presentation>
The Reviewing Committee will select 10 to 15 papers for Symposia among papers submitted for poster session.
Selected papers must be presented at both Poster session and Symposium.
Notice of Acceptance
You will receive notifications of acceptance by email in late August.
You need the registration number to submit an abstract.
Please complete advance registration first.
You can log in by entering a password an “Abstract Submission No.”
which you receive upon completing abstract submission.