Instruction for Chairs
Chairpersons are requested to be seated at the chairs' desk on the stage no later than 10 minutes before the start of the session.
Session Progress
Chairpersons are asked to ensure that all sessions start and finish punctually as scheduled.
Staffs will assist with timing. Remaining time will be notified with time indicator and bell signal as follows;
- 1 ring: warning-at 3 minutes left to the end of talk
- 2 rings: end of talk-time for discussion
- 3 rings: end of presentation-time for the next speaker
Instruction for Oral Presenters
Time Allocation
- Invited Speakers: 30 min for presentation + 5 min for discussion (total 35 min)
- Oral-Presentation Speakers: 10 min for presentation + 5 min for discussion (total 15 min)
- Presenters of Short Presentation: 3 minutes presentation only (no discussion time)
Please kindly note that we will have to compel presenters to end their presentations after 3 minutes past.
* Presentation slides must be no more than 4 slides including its title.
Presentation Materials
Only computer-based PowerPoint presentations will be accepted, and no sound output equipment will be available.
Laptop Computer
Please be sure to bring your own laptop computer.
We ask you to bring your presentation file in USB or CD-ROM for back up as well.
<Technical Requirements for Your Laptop Computer>
- Ensure that your computer is equipped with the proper monitor connector (mini D-sub 15 pin) as shown below. If your computer does not have this connection, please bring an appropriate converter with you.
- Be sure to bring an AC adaptor. Please note that voltage in Japan is 100V and the frequency ranges 50-60 Hz depending on the area (60Hz in Awaji). The socket is type A, which has two flat plug holes. If your laptop is not convertible, transformers and/or plug adaptors are necessary.
- Adjust the settings to prevent activation of the screen saver or power-saving mode.
Please bring your computer to the preview desk in Main Hall by 30 minutes before your presentation.
In order to maintain the meeting schedule, you are requested to keep time allocation strictly.
Remaining time will be notified with time indicator and bell signal as follows;
- 1 ring: Warning-at 3 minutes left to the end of talk
- 2 rings: End of talk-time for discussion
- 3 rings: End of presentation-time for the next speaker
Instruction for Poster Presenters
Please check your Poster No. in the List of Poster Presenters of Program Page.
Size and Set-up/Removal
- Set-up: by noon, Sep. 5th (Wed)
- Removal: by 13:30, Sep. 7th (Fri)
* Any posters remaining on panels after the removal time will be discarded by the secretariat.

Core Time
- Poster session 1 (odd numbers): Sep. 5th (Wed) 13:30 – 15:00
- Poster session 2 (even numbers): Sep. 6th (Thu) 13:30 – 15:00
AIFII 17 Secretariat (c/o A & E Planning, Co., Ltd)
6th floor, Shin-Osaka Grand Bldg., 2-14-14, Miyahara, Yodogawa-ku, Osaka, Japan
Tel: +81-6-6350-7163 FAX: +81-6-6350-7164