

Application for Travel Bursary has been closed.

Travel Bursary for Foreign Scientists

The travel expenses will be supported to young scientists outside of Japan.
Awardees are requested to present a poster and a short oral presentation on the first day (Sep/4/2018).
They are not guaranteed and will be provided contingent upon funding availability.

The registration and accommodation fees of the awardees will also be waived.
Applicants should send their CV, an abstract of their poster presentation (about 250 words including the title, names and affiliations of all authors) and a recommendation letter from the research supervisor or the department head by the end of JuneJune 22nd to AIFII 17 Secretariat (aifii2018@aeplan.co.jp).
Application documents will be evaluated by AIFII Travel Bursary Committee, and the results will be notified to the applicant before June 25thJuly 2nd.
The amount of the bursary will be approximately JPY 50,000 (e.g. Asia) ~ 150,000 (e.g. Africa).
Please note that the entire travel expenses may not be covered.

Qualifications for Applicants

They must satisfy all the requirements below:

  • Those who will present a poster and a short oral presentation at the forum
  • Those who will attend all sessions
  • Those who are under 40 years old

* Please note that Japanese scientists outside of Japan and foreign scientists in Japan are ineligible.

Condition of the Accommodation

  • Awardees are requested to stay in The Westin Awaji Island and share a room with other awardees (2~3 persons/room)
  • Accomodation will be arranged by Japan Travel Bureau (JTB) Corporation.

Required documents

Following documents must be sent:

  • Application Form containing CV and the presentation information (form )
  • Recommendation letter must be sent directly by the academic supervisor or the department head to the AIFII 17 Secretariat via e-mail (aifii2018@aeplan.co.jp, Free format)

* Applicants do not need to register, arrange accommodations, nor submit an abstract online at the time of application.


June 15 (Fri)June 22(Fri), 2018


Please send the applications by e-mail to: AIFII 17 Secretariat (aifii2018@aeplan.co.jp)

AIFII 17 Secretariat

The 17th Awaji International Forum on Infection and Immunity Secretariat
6th floor, Shin-Osaka Grand Bldg.,
2-14-14, Miyahara, Yodogawa-ku, Osaka,
532-0003, JAPAN (c/o A & E Planning, Co., Ltd)
TEL: +81-6-6350-7163  FAX: +81-6-6350-7164
E-mail: aifii2018@aeplan.co.jp


第17回あわじしま感染症・免疫フォーラム事務局 (株式会社エー・イー企画内)
〒532-0003 大阪府大阪市淀川区宮原2-14-14新大阪グランドビル6F
TEL: 06-6350-7163 FAX: 06-6350-7164