The 17th Awaji International Forum on Infection and Immunity
The 17th Awaji International Forum on Infection and Immunity

Poster Abstract Submission

We invite submissions of papers for poster presentations (approx. 200 papers) in addition to the symposia which will be conducted by invited speakers.
Please click the abstract submission button below to submit your abstract.

Abstract Submission

Length of the title should be 30 words or less.
Length of the abstract body should be 250 words or less.

Submission Period

May 16 (Wed) - July 4 (Wed) July 18 (Wed) July 23 (Mon) 17:00(JST), 2018

Poster abstract submission has been closed.

Advance Registration

Advance registration is required prior to submitting abstract.

Log-in ID for AIFII

You will find an entry field for "Log-in ID for AIFII" on the abstract submission screen.
This ID is the one you set on "Advance Registration & Hotel Booking" page.
In case you forget your "Log-in ID for AIFII", please enter "99999" in the field.

Presentation categories for symposium speakers (*Invited speakers only)

Select your presentation category from the list below.  Please kindly enter your brief biography after submitting the abstract.

  1. Infection immunity
  2. Arthropod vector
  3. Protozoan parasite
  4. Bacteria
  5. Vector-borne virus
  6. Neo-Virology
  7. BSL4 virus

Presentation categories for Poster Presentations

Select your presentation category from the list below.

  1. Viral Infections
  2. Parasitic Infections
  3. Bacterial Infections
  4. Host Defense and Immunity
  5. Arthropod Vector
※Oral Presentations
If you wish to deliver an oral presentation, please select the appropriate choice on the online submission system.
Approximately 10 to 15 papers will be selected for oral presentations.
※Short presentations (Approx. 3 minutes presentation) ※Only on September 4
In this short presentation session held on September 4, all poster presenters are encouraged to present the outline of the poster with a brief self-introduction.
For travel bursary recipients, presentation in this session is required.
If you not wish to participate to this session, please select the appropriate choice on the online submission system.
(If your paper is accepted for oral presentation, you are not eligible to present in this session.)

Notice of Acceptance

You will receive notifications of acceptance for oral and short presentations together with your poster presentation number by email in early August.

Brief biography (*For invited symposium speakers only)

Please kindly provide your brief biography by entering into the appropriate field on the online submission system.
Your session chair will use it for introducing you to the audience at the session.

Photo (*For invited symposium speakers only)

Please upload your face photography on the online submission system.
Your uploaded face photography will be included in the meeting program.

Submit Abstract"Log-in ID for AIFII" which you registered at Registration and Hotel Booking page is required for Abstract Submission.

View / Edit / Delete Submitted AbstractAbstract Submission No. and Password displayed after you completed submission are required.


AIFII 17 Secretariat (c/o A & E Planning, Co., Ltd)
6th floor, Shin-Osaka Grand Bldg., 2-14-14, Miyahara, Yodogawa-ku, Osaka, Japan
Tel: +81-6-6350-7163 FAX: +81-6-6350-7164