The 22nd Awaji International Forum on Infection and Immunity
AWAJI2024 The 22nd Awaji International Forum on Infection and Immunity 第22回あわじ感染と免疫国際フォーラム

Call for Papers

Appointed speakers and poster presenters are required to submit their abstracts via the submission system.

Submission Period

May 29. 12:00JST - July 10. 12:00JST, 2024 July 24. 12:00JST, 2024
*The abstract submission will close as soon as the limit is reached.
The Abstract sumission was closed as the maximum capacity has been reached.
An announcement will be released on the website If we are calling for the late-breaking abstracts.

Abstract Submission

Advance registration is required prior to submitting abstract. You will receive a registration number upon completing advance registration. Print it out or save it on your device, as you will need it to start abstract submission,
 Language: English
 Length of a title should be 200 chracters or less.
 Length of an abstract body should be 2,000 chracters or less.


Appointed Presentations (Review Talks, Symposia)

Oral sessions are presented by appointed speakers.
Presenters of regular presentations cannot select this category.

Regular Presentations (Poster Presentations)

We are taking applications for poster presentations.
Part of poster presentations will be adopted for oral sessions after an examination by the program committee.
In that case, you are supposed to present both in poster and oral session.

[Presentation category]

Select your presentation category from the list below.

  1. Viruses
  2. Bacteria
  3. Parasites
  4. Host Defense and Immunity
  5. Vaccine

[Selection of Poster Presentations]

Result of selection will be announced via email in late July.
The review committee is responsible for selection of poster presentations.

Abstract submission system

First, login to the system with the email and password you set upon registration. Then submit your abstract.
You can review and revise your abstract anytime during the submission period.
Be noted that you cannot revise the abstract after the submission deadline.

Login to the Abstract Submission System