6th The Awaji International Forum on Infection and Immunity  
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Koji Yasutomo, M.D., Ph.D.

Department of Immunology and Parasitology
Institute of Health Biosciences
The University of Tokushima Graduate School
3-18-15 Kuramoto, Tokushima 770-8503, Japan


1984-1990 School of Medicine, The University of Tokushima (M.D., 1990)
1993-1997 Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokushima (Ph.D., 1997)
1997-2000 Visiting Scientist, National Institute of Health, USA


2001 Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics, School of Medicine, The University of Tokushima
2001 Professor, Department of Immunology and Parasitology, School of Medicine, The University of Tokushima
2004 Professor, Department of Immunology and Parasitology, Institute of Health Biosciences, The University of Tokushima Graduate School
Selected Publications

1. Hisaeda H, Hamano S, Mitoma-Obata C, Tetsutani K, Imai T, Waldmann H, Himeno K, Yasutomo K. Resistance to GITR signaling in antigen specific CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells during Plasmodium yoelii infection. Eur J Immunol 35(12):3516-24, 2005.
2. Maekawa Y, Yasutomo K. Antigen-driven T-cell repertoire selection. Crit Rev Immunol. 25(1):59-74, 2005
3. Tsukumo SI and Yasutomo K. Notch governing mature T cell differentiation. J Immunol 173(12):7109-13, 2004
4. Hayashi Y, Tsukumo SI, Kishihara K, Maekawa Y, Shiota H, Yasutomo K. Antigen specific T-cell repertoire modification of CD4+CD25+ regulatory T-cells. J Immunol 172(9):5240-8, 2004
5. Hisaeda H, Maekawa Y, Iwakawa D, Okada H, Himeno K, Kishihara K, Tsukumo SI, Yasutomo K. Escape of malaria parasites from host immunity requires CD4+CD25+ regulatory T-cells. Nature Medicine 10(1):29-30, 2004
6. Maekawa Y, Tsukumo SI, Chiba S, Hirai H, Hayashi Y, Okada H, Kishihara K, Yasutomo K. Delta1-Notch3 interactions bias the functional differentiation of activated CD4+ T-cells. Immunity 19(4):549-59, 2003
7. Yasutomo K, Horiuchi T, Kagami S, Tsukamoto S, Hashimura C, Urushihara M, Kuroda Y. Mutation in DNASE I in people with systemic lupus erythematosus. Nature Genet 28(4):313-314, 2001
8. Dorfman JR, Stefanova I, Yasutomo K, Germain RN. CD4+ T-cell survival is not directly linked to self-MHC induced TCR signaling. Nature Immunol 1(4):329-335, 2000
9. Yasutomo K, Doyle C, Miele L, Fuchs C, Germain RN. The duration of antigen receptor signalling determines CD4+ versus CD8+ T-cell lineage fate. Nature. 404(6777):506-10, 2000
10. Lu FW, Yasutomo K, Goodman GB, McHeyzer-Williams LJ, McHeyzer-Williams MG, GermainRN, Ashwell JD. Thymocyte resistance to glucocorticoids leads to antigen-specific unresponsiveness due to "holes" in the T cell repertoire. Immunity. 12(2):183-92, 2000
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