6th The Awaji International Forum on Infection and Immunity  
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Laboratory of Microbiology,
Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences,
The University of Tokyo


1974 B.Sc. Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo
1979 Ph. D. The University of Tokyo (Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences)


1979-1984 Assistant Professor of The University of Tokyo
1984-1987 Post-Doctorial fellow of Stanford University (USA)
(School of Medicine, Professor Arthur Kornberg)
1987-1992 Associate Professor of The University of Tokyo.
(Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences)
1992-1999 Professor of Kyushu University
(Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences)
1999- 1999- Professor of The University of Tokyo.
(Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences)
Selected references
Duffy antigen and Glycophorin A

1. Rungruang T, Kaneko O, Murakami Y, Tsuboi T, Hamamoto H, Akimitsu N, Sekimizu K, Kinoshita T and Torii M. Erythrocyte surface glycosylphosphatidyl inositol anchored receptor for the malaria parasite. Mol. Biochem. Parasitol. 140, 13-21. (2005)
2. Akimitsu N, Kim HS, Hamamoto H, Kamura K, Fukuma N, Arimitsu N, Ono K, Wataya Y, Torii M and Sekimizu K. Duffy antigen is important for the lethal effect of the lethal strain of Plasmodium yoelii 17XL. Parasitol. Res. (2004)
3. Jilma B, Akimitsu N, Fukuma N, Sekimizu K and Jilma-Stohlawetz P, Man,mouse and Duffy genotype-phenotype-specific pharmacokinetics of monocyte chemotactic protein-1. Transfus. Med. 14, 251-252. (2004)
4. Fukuma N, Akimitsu N, Hamamoto H, Kusuhara H, Sugiyama Y and Sekimizu K. A role of the Duffy antigen for the maintenance of plasma chemokine concentrations. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 303, 137-139. (2003)
5. Arimitsu N, Akimitsu N, Kotani N, Takasaki S, Kina T, Hamamoto H, Kamura K and Sekimizu K, Glycophorin A requirement for expression of O-linked antigens on the erythrocyte membrane. Genes Cells 8, 769-777. (2003)
6. Kashiwazaki M, Tanaka T, Kanda H, Ebisuno Y, Izawa D, Fukuma N, Akimitsu N, Sekimizu K, Monden M and Miyasaka M. A high endothelial venule-expressing promiscuous chemokine receptor DARC can bind inflammatory, but not lymphoid, chemokines and is dispensable for lymphocyte homing under physiological conditions. Int. Immunol. 15, 1219-1227. (2003)

Selected Publications

1. Kaito C, Kurokawa K, Matsumoto Y, Terao Y, Kawabata S, Hamada S and Sekimizu K. Silkworm-pathogenic bacteria infection model for identification of novel virulence genes. Mol. Microbiol. 56, 934-944. (2005)
2. Hamamoto H, Kurokawa K, Kaito C, Kamura K, Razanajatovo IM, Kusuhara H, Sannta T and Sekimizu K. Quantitative evaluation of the therpeutic effects of antibiotics by using silkwarms infected with humam pathogenic microorganisms. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 48, 774-779. (2004)
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