6th The Awaji International Forum on Infection and Immunity  
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DATE & PLACE OF BIRTH: December 10, 1943; Tokyo, Japan
OFFICE ADDRESS: Department of Disease Control
Hokkaido University Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine
Kita-18, Nishi-9, Kita-ku, Sapporo, 060-0818, Japan
Tel: (+81-11) 706-5207, Fax: (+81-11) 706-5273
e-mail: kida@vetmed.hokudai.ac.jp

1969-76 Research Officer for Vaccine Development, Takeda Chemical Industries, Ltd
1976-78 Lecturer, Dept Veterinary Hygiene & Microbiology, Hokkaido University
1978-94 Associate Professor, Dept Vet Hyg Microbiol, Hokkaido Univ
1980-81 Visiting Scientist, Dept Virol, St. Jude C R H, Memphis, Tennessee
1986-87 Visiting Professor, Karnofsky Fellow, Dept Virol Mol Biol, St. Jude C R H
1989 Professor, University of Zambia School of Vet Med, Lusaka, Zambia
1994-95 Professor and Chairman, Dept Vet Hyg and Microbiology, Hokkaido Univ
1995-date Professor, Department of Disease Control, Hokkaido Univ Grad Sch Vet Med
1995-05 Hokkaido University Senator
1999-date Expert, Member of Working Group for WHO Global Influenza Programme
2001-05 Dean, Hokkaido Univ Sch and Grad Sch Vet Med
2004-date Expert and Head, OIE Reference Laboratory for Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza, and Scientific Committee Member, OIE/FAO Avian Influenza Network
2005-date Director, Hokkaido University Research Center for Zoonosis Control

176 original articles and 88 book chapters and reviews

RESEARCH INTERESTS: Ecology and pathogenesis of influenza viruses, Zoonoses, Vaccinology
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